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Associate DVM

Dr. Janice Wray

Dr. Janice WRay

Associate DVM

Dr. Janice Wray

Dr. Wray joined the Sahuaro Vista Family in the Fall of 2023. She is proud to have served as an aviation electrician in the United States Navy, being a first-generation college graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science and minors in science and technology from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and just recently graduating from The University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine’s inaugural class of 2023. Watching sunsets, college football and hockey, fresh and saltwater fishing to camping, hiking, and traveling are a few of her favorite things. Other activities to keep her body and mind active are cycling, running, astronomy, astrophotography, being outdoors in nature and taking photos to capture every moment. Her husband, Matt, has been her biggest supporter in this journey called life. Their three, four-legged sidekicks are two Finnish Spitz littermates named Mika and Nina and their big-little brother, a rescue Akita named Molson. It was during her first dog, Bandit’s, final years that really inspired her to become a veterinarian. She has found that she gravitates towards the senior animals, ensuring they are comfortable until becoming our fur-angels. She is looking forward to starting this new chapter with our team at Sahuaro Vista and caring for your four-legged sidekicks.